
Can You Judge a Food by Its Nutrition Label?

Do you wonder what the USDA Organic nutrition label really means? The answer is both a lot more…and a lot less…than you might realize.

What Does the USDA Organic Label Tell You?

  1. Interestingly, the USDA Organic label verifies that the food is not genetically modified (GMO ingredients are not used, plants are not grown from GMO seeds, animals do not eat GMO foods).
  2. No artificial pesticides.
  3. No growth hormones or antibiotics. Iif an organically raised animal becomes sick and is treated with antibiotics, its products can no longer be designated organic.)
  4. Restricted use of chemicals in contact with crops and livestock.
  5. No ionizing radiation involved in processing.
  6. No sewage sludge used. (Conventional plant-based foods can be, and sometimes are, fertilized with sewage sludge). Good to know!

What the USDA Organic Label Doesn’t Mean

  1. Organic does not mean more nutritious. USDA organic foods are not necessarily more nutrient-dense than conventional products.
  2. Organic does not mean healthy. The absence of undesirable chemicals or questionable processing does not ensure a healthy product. Many junk foods, including cookies and sodas, are USDA Organic. They’re still loaded with sugar—and still poor choices.

The Take-Home Message

  1. When making a food purchase, first focus on selecting a whole food, unprocessed or minimally so. Then choose a USDA Organic version. The organic label alone is no indicator of a quality product.
  1. If your budget requires you to be selective about your organic produce purchases, look to the Environmental Working Group website to learn about the “Dirty Dozen”(fruit and vegetables most likely to be contaminated with pesticides when grown conventionally) and the “Clean Fifteen” (conventional produce least likely to be pesticide-laden).


USDA Organic Standards

Dirty Dozen

Clean Fifteen


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