
A Gut Feeling About Heart Health

The Way to Your Heart is Truly Through Your Stomach

Or perhaps a bit lower down…

Research shows that eating certain non-absorbable sugars helps  “fertilize” your microbiome, the healthy bacteria in the digestive tract, that can improve your cholesterol level and reduce inflammation!

Although the findings are preliminary and not yet ready for your medicine or kitchen counter, they are very promising as a new frontier in medicine.

While we’re at it, here are some other startling facts about the parallel universe of bacterial microbes that call your gut home:

  • Microbes in your gut outnumber cells in your body 10 to 1!
  • Gut bacteria release hormones that can communicate with your brain!
  • Right from birth, your gut’s microbial blend was influenced by whether you were born by C-Section or vaginally.
  • As an adult, the type of bacterial buddies in your belly are affected by the people and pets you live with, as well as your diet.
  • Yogurt is a well known “probiotic” food that helps maintain a healthy ecosystem. Less commonly recognized probiotics include:
    • miso soup (limit quantity to reduce salt intake)
    • sauerkraut, and
    • tempeh (made from fermented soybeans).

Check out more in this interesting article from the New York Times.


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