
Retirement Community Uses Gaples Institute Course to Promote Healthy, Sustainable Eating

In celebration of Earth Day, the Edgewood LifeCare Retirement Community in North Andover, Massachusetts used the Gaples Institute’s interactive learning tool, Healthy Plate, Healthy Planet, to learn the remarkable environmental impact of choosing planet-friendly foods. 

The 10-minute interactive resource was offered to all residents as an “educational appetizer” for their Earth Day event, “Tastings for a Small Planet.” The response was resounding: the event filled to capacity with nearly 100 residents who sampled healthy plant-rich recipes prepared by Edgewood’s Culinary Department, while key screens from the Gaples Institute course played on the auditorium screen.

Justine Ross, Edgewood resident and member of the community’s Environment Committee, expressed gratitude for the Gaples Institute’s resources, saying, “The interactive program was integral to the event’s success. And because of the residents’ eager response, the Culinary Department will continue to incorporate more plant-based options into our menu selections.” She also noted that the community’s app for residents now contains links to Healthy Plate, Healthy Planet, so that residents have easy access to the resource anytime.

We congratulate the Edgewood LifeCare Retirement Community for taking important steps toward nourishing a healthier population and a healthier planet through delicious, sustainable, nutrient-dense foods! 

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